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How To Brew A Good Cup of Tea

Tea Amount

Using the right amount of tea when brewing is important because it directly affects the flavor and strength of the tea. If you use too little tea, the resulting brew will be weak and lacking in flavor. Conversely, if you use too much tea, the resulting brew may be overly strong, bitter, or astringent.

Time Range

If you brew your tea for too short a time, the resulting tea may be weak and lacking in flavor. On the other hand, if you brew the tea for too long, the tea may become overly strong, bitter, or astringent. This is particularly true for certain types of tea, such as green tea or white tea, which can become bitter if brewed for too long.

Temperature for Water

If the water is too hot, it can scorch the tea leaves and result in a bitter, astringent brew. On the other hand, if the water is too cool, it may not extract enough flavor and the tea may taste weak and insipid.